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- Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 17:41-0400
- From: The White House <75300.3115@compuserve.com>
- Sender: jcma@reagan.ai.mit.edu
- Reply-To: Clinton-Info@campaign92.org
- Subject: White House Electronic Publications: FAQS 4.7.93
- To: Clinton-News-Distribution@campaign92.org
- Message-Id: <19930408214151.6.JCMA@CLINTON.AI.MIT.EDU>
- Updated April 7, 1993
- Table Of Contents
- I. Signing up for Daily Electronic Publications.
- A. Widely Available Sources.
- B. Notes on Widely Available Sources.
- C. Direct Email Distribution
- II. Searching and Retrieving White House documents.
- - WAIS
- - FedWorld BBS
- III. Sending email to the White House.
- - CompuServe
- - America OnLine
- - MCI
- - Fidonet
- - Internet
- The White House Communications office is distributing press releases
- over an experimental system developed during the campaign at the MIT
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
- You can obtain copies of all the press releases from a wide variety of
- on-line services or discussion groups devoted to either national
- politics in general or President Clinton in particular. These are
- listed in sections I and II.
- Section Ic explains how you can sign up to receive press releases
- directly from the experimental MIT system by using an automated email
- server. The present system was not designed to handle high levels of
- message traffic. A more powerful system will become available in due
- course, and in the meantime, it would be appreciated if you used this
- service sparingly. One appropriate current use is secondary
- redistribution and archiving. If you use it, you will be carried
- forward when the more powerful system that replaces it.
- 1. On USENET/NETNEWS, electronic publications are found on a variety
- of groups:
- Direct Distribution
- alt.politics.clinton
- alt.politics.org.misc
- alt.politics.reform
- alt.politics.usa.misc
- alt.news-media
- alt.activism
- talk.politics.misc
- Indirect Distribution
- misc.activism.progressive
- cmu.soc.politics
- assocs.clinton-gore-92
- 2. On CompuServe: GO WHITEHOUSE
- 3. On America Online: keyword WHITEHOUSE or THE WHITEHOUSE or CLINTON
- 4. On The WELL: type whitehouse
- 6. On Fidonet: See Echomail WHITEHOUSE
- 7. On Peacenet or Econet: See pol.govinfo.usa.
- 2. CompuServe's White House Forum (GO WHITEHOUSE) is devoted to
- discussion of the Clinton administration's policies and
- activities. The forum's library consists of news releases and
- twice daily media briefings from the White House Office of
- Media Affairs. CompuServe members can exchange information and
- opinions with each other in the 17 sections in the forum's
- message area. The message board spans a broad range of topics,
- including international and United Nations activities,
- defense, health care, the economy and the deficit, housing and
- urban development, the environment, and education and national
- service.
- 3. On America Online the posts are sent to the White House Forum,
- located in the News & Finance department of the service and
- accessible via keywords "white house" and "clinton." The
- White House Forum on America Online contains the press
- releases from the White House, divided into the categories
- "Press Briefings," "Meetings & Speeches," "Foreign Policy,"
- "The Economy," "Technology," "Health Care," and
- "Appointments." The area features a message board so you can
- discuss the releases with other AOL members, and a searchable
- database for easy retrieval of releases in the topic that
- interests you.
- 4. MCI Mail users can access daily information on the administration's
- programs provided by the White House through MCI Mail bulletin
- boards. The available boards are: WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC, WHITE
- WHITE HOUSE NEWS. A listing of these boards can also be
- obtained by simply typing VIEW WHITE HOUSE at the COMMAND
- prompt.
- If you don't have access to the these accounts or if you would prefer
- to receive the releases via email, then the next section details how
- to sign up for this service. The server is not set up to answer
- email letters, comments or requests for specific information. To
- reach this MIT server, send email:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- Subject: Help
- The server works by reading the subject line of the incoming message
- and taking whatever action that line calls for. If you want to sign up
- to automatically receive press releases, then your subject line would
- begin with the word RECEIVE. You can then specify what kind of
- information you are interested in receiving. The categories of
- information are:
- Get releases related to the economy such as budget
- news, technology policy review, etc.
- Get releases related to foreign policy such as
- statements on Bosnian airdrop, Haitian refugee status,
- etc.
- Get releases related to social issues like National
- Service (Student Loan) program, abortion, welfare
- reform, etc.
- All speeches made by the President and important
- speeches made by other Administration officials.
- Transcripts of press conferences released by the White
- House Communications office, as well as the
- President's remarks in photo ops and other Q&A
- sessions.
- ALL All of the above
- So, if you wanted to sign up to get releases related to the economy
- your email message would look like this:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- When you send a signup message to the clinton-info server, it sends
- you back a status message letting you know what distribution streams
- you are signed up for. If you ever want to check on what groups you
- are signed up for send the following message:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- Subject: STATUS
- You can stop receiving email releases by sending a REMOVE message to
- the clinton-info server. The word REMOVE would be followed by whatever
- distribution stream you wanted to drop. If you wanted to stop
- receiving message about the ECONOMY then your mail would look like
- this:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject: REMOVE ECONOMY
- You could substitute SOCIAL, FOREIGN, SPEECHES, NEWS or ALL for
- ECONOMY in the above message and you would be dropped from that
- distribution list. If you send the subject line REMOVE ALL, then you
- will be taken off the email distribution system all together and will
- not receive further releases of any kind.
- You can also ask for help from the automated server. Send an email
- query as follows:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- Subject: HELP
- The server will respond by sending you a detailed form that will guide
- you through the process of signing up for the various distribution
- streams. As you will quickly discover, there is a automatic form
- processing interface that parallel the quick and easy subject line
- commands discussed here. More detailed help is available by sending
- an email query as follows:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- Subject: Please Help!
- Finally, if you want to search and retrieve documents, but you do not
- have access to the retrieval methods discussed in section II, you can
- do this via email through the MIT server. You can obtain the WAIS
- query form by sending an email query as follows:
- To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org
- Subject: WAIS
- Once you have identified the documents that you want, be careful not
- to request them all at once, because you may be sent a message
- containing all the documents and this message may be too big for some
- mail delivery systems between the email server and you.
- Various sites are archiving the press releases distributed . What follows is
- an
- incomplete list of some of the sites containing the documents that
- have been released to date. This FAQ will be updated to reflect new
- sites as they become known.
- 5. FedWorld BBS 703-321-8020 8-N-1
- Notes: The following are notes on how to log in and get
- information from the above sites.
- 1. Office FOR Information Technology at University of
- North Carolina Maintains the full collection of White
- House electronic release available for search with WAIS and
- also accessible via Gopher.
- 1.a WAIS
- (:source
- :version 3
- :database-name "/home3/wais/White-House-Papers" :ip-
- address ""
- :ip-name "sunsite.unc.edu"
- :tcp-port 210
- :cost 0.00
- :cost-unit :free
- :maintainer "pjones@sunsite.unc.edu"
- :description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b5 on
- Feb 27 15:16:16 1993 by pjones@sunsite.unc.edu These are the
- White House Press Briefings and other postings dealing with
- William Jefferson Clinton and Albert Gore as well as members
- of the President's Cabinet and the first lady Hillary Rodham
- Clinton, Chelsea, Socks and others in Washington DC. Dee Dee
- Meyers and George Stephanopoulos. Other good words:
- United States of America, Bill Al Tipper Democrats USA
- US These files are also available via anonymous ftp
- from sunsite.unc.edu The files of type filename used in
- the index were:
- /home3/ftp/pub/academic/political-science/whitehouse-
- papers/1993 ")
- Folks without WAIS clients or gophers that act as WAIS
- clients may telnet to sunsite.unc.edu and login as swais
- to access this information via WAIS.
- 1.b GOPHER is a distributed menuing system for information access on the
- Internet developed at the University of Minnesota. gophers are
- client-server implementations and various gopher clients are
- available for nearly any computing platform. You may now use
- gopher clients to assess the White House Papers and other
- political information on SunSITE.unc.edu's new gopher server.
- You may also add links from your local gopher server to
- SunSITE for access to the White House Papers.
- For gopher server keepers and adventurous clients to access
- SunSITE you need only know that we use the standard gopher
- port 70 and that our internet address is SunSITE.unc.edu
- ( Point there and you'll see the references to
- the Politics areas.
- For folks without gopher clients but with access to telnet:
- telnet sunsite.unc.edu login: gopher The rest is very straight
- forward. Browsing options end with a directory mark (/),
- searching options end with an question mark (?). There's
- plenty of on-line help available.
- 2. No special instructions.
- 3. The CLINTON@MARIST log files which contain all the official
- administration releases distributed through the MIT servers
- are available via anonymous FTP. These logs contain in
- addition to the official releases, the posts that comprise the
- ongoing discussion conducted by the list subscribers.
- To obtain the logs:
- FTP MARISTB.MARIST.EDU - the logs are in the CLINTON directory
- and are named CLINTON LOG9208 thru CLINTON LOGyymm where yymm
- stands for the current year and month. Problems should be
- directed to my attention: URLS@MARISTC.BITNET or
- Posted by Lee Sakkas - owner, CLINTON@MARIST
- 4. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility is
- providing all Clinton documents on technology and privacy
- at the CPSR Internet Library, available via
- FTP/WAIS/Gopher at cpsr.org /cpsr/clinton (and in other
- folders as relevant). For email access, send a message
- with the word "help" at the 1st line of text to
- listserv@cpsr.org.
- 5. The FedWorld Computer System, operated by the National Technical
- Information Service, archives White House papers in a traditional BBS
- type file library. Connect to FedWorld by calling (703) 321- 8020.
- No parity, eight data bits and one stop bit (N-8-1). FedWorld
- accommodates baud speeds of up to 9,600. White House papers are
- located in the W-House library of files. To access this library from
- the main FedWorld menu, enter <f s w-house>. Files are named with the
- first four digits being the release month and day (e.g. 0323XXX.txt).
- Some standard abbreviations after the date include:
- rem - Remarks by the President
- pc - Press Conference transcript
- pr - Press Release
- AM - AM Press Briefing
- PM - PM Press Briefing
- sch - The President's public schedule
- spch- Text of major speeches.
- These files are saved in ASCII format. Files can be viewed online by
- requesting to download a file and then selecting (L)ist as the
- download protocol. This will display the file a screen at a time.
- White House papers are kept in the above format for up to two months.
- Papers more than two months old are compressed using Pkzip into a
- single file that contains all of the files for that month (e.g.
- 0193.zip contains all papers released during January 1993). In
- addition to White Documents, FedWorld also provides a gateway to more
- than 100 government funded BBSs and computer systems.
- The White House email system is under construction. This is a new
- project and suffers from all of the problems common to a startup
- operation. The Communications office is currently working on defining
- what this system will do, as well as trying to come up with equipment
- and staffing to make sure that it works. Email messages are
- currently being printed out and responses are being sent out via US
- Mail.
- Nobody wants this new venture to work more than the staff that has
- devoted so many hours to getting it up and running. But much time and
- effort will be required before the system is truly interactive. In
- the mean time, they will need a little patience from the electronic
- community. If you send a message to the White House, please include a
- US Post office address for replies.
- You can send email to the following accounts:
- CompuServe: 75300,3115
- GO: WHITE HOUSE finds White House forum
- America OnLine: clinton pz
- KEYWORD: WHITEHOUSE finds White House area
- VIEW WHITE HOUSE views bulletin boards
- Fidonet TO: WHITEHOUSE@1:2613/333
- Echomail: WHITEHOUSE views echomail conference
- Internet: Clinton-HQ@Campaign92.Org
- 75300.3115@CompuServe.Com
- clintonpz@AOL.Com
- Please send corrections, deletion and additions to this FQA to:
- Updates@Clinton92.Org
- ------ End of Forwarded Message